SIBO Expert Dr. Pimentel Answers Your Questions, Part 1_ Food and Diet

SIBO Expert Dr. Pimentel Answers Your Questions, Part 1: Food and Diet

Earlier this month, SIBO expert Dr. Mark Pimentel took over Cedars-Sinai Hospital’s twitter account to answer questions about IBS and SIBO. Although Twitter’s character limit doesn’t lend itself to detailed answers, Dr. Pimentel answered some great questions about SIBO and IBS. You can find all the tweets from the chat by searching the hashtag #CedarsIBSchat on Twitter.

Who is Dr. Pimentel and why do we care that he’s answering SIBO questions?

First, a little more about Dr. Pimentel. Who the heck is he and what qualifies him to answer all these questions?

For those that don’t know, Dr. Pimentel is one of, if not the, leading experts on SIBO. He leads Cedar’s Pimentel Laboratory, which researches the link between IBS, SIBO, food poisoning, and gut bacteria. If you have SIBO and haven’t been following the research being done by Dr. Pimentel and Cedars, you might want to start doing so. Much of what we know about SIBO and how to treat it came from Dr. Pimentel and Cedars. Consequently, I get excited when Dr. Pimentel hops on Twitter to answer SIBO and IBS questions.

SIBO Expert Dr. Pimentel Answers Your Questions, Part 1_ Food and Diet

On to the food and diet related questions…

First, I have to say that many people asked great questions during the Cedars IBS Chat. So many that Dr. Pimentel did not get to answer all of them (including mine!). However, he did answer over twenty-five questions and provided us a lot of great info in the process.

Because some of the questions covered information already known, I’ll only be recapping those questions that I felt provided new or especially interesting info. But I’d encourage you to go back and read all the responses if you have time. I’ve also broken this recap up into several posts, because there is just too much information to digest in one post (get it? digest? ha!).

Digestion-related puns aside, let’s get started…

What Sugars are OK?

People with IBS and SIBO have all kinds of food-related challenges. It’s very challenging to know what is “ok” to eat and why. Thankfully, Dr. Pimentel cleared up a few more of these questions for us.

One participant asked about eating honey, maple sugar, coconut sugar, ghee, or just plain coconut.

SIBO coconut sugar, sucralose, maple syrup

First, Dr. Pimentel references one of the many SIBO diets, the Cedars-Sinai Low Fermentation Diet that his laboratory recommends for SIBO and IBS patients. This differs from the low FODMAP diet often recommended for SIBO, although the diets overlap a lot. So it’s important to remember that when Dr. Pimentel says that certain foods are ok, it doesn’t necessarily mean these foods are low FODMAP (although they might be!). It does mean they will not ferment rapidly in the digestive tract. In other words, these foods get digested easily before the bacteria in the small intestine can get ahold of it.

Sugar and sweeteners can be tricky for IBS and SIBO. Recently, Dr. Pimentel said that Stevia, a zero-calorie artificial sweetener made from plants, interrupts the migrating motor complex and shouldn’t be consumed by SIBO patients. Unfortunately, because Stevia is a low FODMAP food, a lot of SIBO patients probably use it. And because coconut sugar has moderate levels of FODMAPs, many SIBO patients likely avoid it. Similarly, honey has high FODMAP levels.

If you’re following a low FODMAP diet to try and determine food sensitivities or as a short-term part of SIBO treatment or other reasons, then obviously consider FODMAP levels. But for those of us not eating a low FODMAP diet but still concerned about managing SIBO or IBS through diet, it’s great to know that honey, coconut sugar, and pure maple syrup should be gut-friendly!

Dr. Pimentel also answered another diet-related question involving artificial sweeteners.

Coffee, SIBO, and IBS Can Mix Nicely But Beware the Additives

coffee and SIBO

Personally, I love the taste of coffee but it absolutely triggers my symptoms. This happens because coffee (and caffeine) increases peristalsis. Increased peristalsis means that your intestines have less time to absorb the water from the food you’re digesting, making you have to go to the bathroom sooner! So if your symptoms include diarrhea, coffee can trigger this. However, there’s nothing fermentable in coffee, which is what I believe Dr. Pimentel means here when he calls coffee “safe.” Drinker beware, I say.

Coffee aside, Dr. Pimentel again calls out the sweeteners as potentially problematic. These might cause problems, especially sucralose (Splenda). Splenda, another zero-calorie artificial sweetener, cannot be digested by humans. But bacteria digest it, so when you eat it, all the bacteria get fed while you absorb nothing. As a result, if you have bacteria in the wrong place (in your small intestine, for SIBO patients) this causes symptoms to flare.

So before you go adding Splenda or Stevia to your coffee, maybe consider honey or coconut sugar or palm sugar or just plain old table sugar instead.

Low FODMAP: Should it be forever?

low FODMAP diet

This isn’t new, as some studies have shown that eating a low FODMAP diet for longer than a few months can change your gut bacteria. Therefore, many SIBO doctors (mine included) recommend a low FODMAP diet as a temporary measure only. Usually, a temporary low FODMAP diet follows treatment with pharmaceutical antibiotics or herbal antibiotics as part of a SIBO treatment regime. Now every patient has a different case, but generally, if you don’t have to follow a low FODMAP diet, then don’t.


Do Less Carbs Equal a Better SIBO Diet?

SIBO carb free

I see a lot of discussion of avoiding carbohyrdrates and/or gluten when talking about SIBO diets. It’s important to remember that there isn’t an virtue in avoiding foods simply for the sake of avoiding them. As Dr. Pimentel reminds us, eating as close to a balanced diet as possible—including carbs—is ideal.

The “quick carbs” he cites here include plain old table sugar (sucrose) and glucose-containing carbohydrates like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rice. White bread as well. It sounds counter intuitive but multigrain or whole-wheat breads actually take longer to digest, which gives the bacteria more time to feed off them and cause us symptoms. So go ahead and eat some french bread if you can!

Oh, and while we’re at it, have a drink too…

Are Some Alcohols Ok on a SIBO Diet?

SIBO drink red wine

Well don’t mind if I do have some red wine, if the doctor recommends it.

Again, another reminder that if something agrees with you and it’s low fermentation, it’s totally ok to have it. Diet restriction solely for the sake of restriction just isn’t healthy. I personally love wine, so I’m embracing this. Wine, an many alcohols like gin and vodka, and beer are also low FODMAP in moderation. Be careful with mixed drinks or alcohols that have lots of additives to them, as those can cause more issues.

What to do if you’re still confused about all this diet stuff or still having problems?

Getting a Dietician Can be Just as Good (or Better) as Low FODMAP Diet.

SIBO dietician

This one is really interesting. The BMJ Study the participant mentions gave IBS patients a diet tailored to the individual patient’s food sensitivities as measured by a leucocyte activation test. The control group followed a fake elimination diet not tailored to the patient’s results. After four weeks, the patients with individually tailored diets reported statistically significant improvements in their IBS symptoms. It’s worthwhile to note that the control group also saw reductions in symptoms but not to the extent of the individually tailored diet group.

An individually tailored diet allows you to hopefully eat a wider range of food than the standard low FODMAP diet allows. The more foods you’re allowed to eat, the better for your general health. Also, if you know what you’re actually reacting to, you’re more likely to reduce your symptoms. Win-win. Working with a knowledgable dietician can make a real difference.

Dr. Pimentel doesn’t say this in his tweet, but the other takeaway is that testing for food sensitivities can also be helpful. The study mentions that some food the patients reacted to were low FODMAP foods! So it’s important to actually know what you’re reacting to because otherwise you’ll needlessly restrict yourself.

That’s all for now…

Well, I think that covered all the diet and food related questions Dr. Pimentel answered in the Cedars IBS Chat. Were there any other questions about diet you wish he had answered?

Check out my recap of the questions on motility and prokinetics here.



      1. Hey— pimentel is totally wrong. He says things that are ok which are totally, totally not. Red wine? Oatmeal? Black coffee? Every single doctor out there (and SIBO sufferers like myself) know that this is dangerous advice. This guy is crazy, he’s not a guru, and he’s should not be giving this advice (like eating cheap white sugar?)

  1. Why is honey, high in fructose and listed as more difficult to digest in the Low Fermentation diet, permitted? And speaking of fructose, is fructose in fruit easier to digest than in added sugars like honey?

    1. Thanks Idelle, that is a great question! I wish I had an answer, but I am not sure why Dr. Pimentel says it’s ok when the low fermentation guide says that it (fructose) is difficult to digest. I have heard that clover honey in particular is easier to digest than your average honey. Typical honey I believe is over 50% fructose. “Normal” table sugar, in comparison, is about half glucose and half fructose so it is easier to digest. I suspect that the difficulty or ease of digesting fructose containing things whether they are honey or fruit may have something to do with the amount of fructose that is being consumed. For example, some fruits have much higher amounts of fructose than others. And if you eat a bunch of honey, that will probably be difficult as well. But a small amount is may be just fine depending on how you react.

  2. Pingback: 2019
  3. I was recently diagnosed with sibo other go thought I had gastroparesis and wanted to put in a feeding tube until diagnosed with sibo. Im on my second prescription of flagyl because fda will not cover xifaxin with sibo with my insurance should I take extra probiotics on this thank you Mary

    1. Hi Mary, sorry to hear that your insurance does not cover Xifaxin. Have you appealed the insurance decision? If not you should look into how to to make an appeal to your insurance, and enlist your doctor or the office’s help. It will be well worth it I think if you can get Xifaxin. Some people have also ordered it from Canadian online pharmacies so you can ask your doctor about that as well. As to probiotics, I am working on a post about that very topic, but in general, the reliable medical advice I’ve seen says that SIBO patients should avoid probiotics. This is because adding more bacteria from probiotics to an overgrowth of bacteria will just compound the problem. The aim is to reduce the amount of bacteria, not add more. Good luck and keep an eye out for my probiotics post soon!

  4. Does stevia only inhibit the migrating motor complex when eaten between meals in a fasting state, or does it also hinder it when it’s consumed with meals? This is the first I’ve learned of this and am curious to know more. I consume pure stevia extract on a regular basis and am now concerned. Thanks!

  5. Yes! I have used stevia extract in my coffee but I guess I will avoid that!? Do you know if coconut milk is ok to use in coffee?

  6. Hi, thanks for clarity in a maze of confusing ‘Sibo’ should and shouldn’t diet regimes. Can I ask if Butternut Squash or any other Winter Squash is ok. X

  7. This seems to be an old thread, but if anyone is still monitoring it?? I’ve recently been diagnosed with methane SIBO!! I currently use coconut water and coconut milk. What about raw milk since that is very different from pasturized? Also, I have been gluten free for a while now! I also use oats, millet, quinoa in moderation! Above said skip the oats and go for cream of wheat, but what about oat bran? I’ve been gluten free for a while now! Is all of this okay? Thanks

  8. I think he means stevia interrupts the mmc during fasting state, the mmc is not an issue when eating, as it stops then anyway. ALL food interrupts the mmc.

  9. When getting the breath test (Lactulose) pay attention to the METHANE. Anything greater than or equal to 10ppm at ANY POINT is consider IMO and in that case you WILL need a SYSTEMIC antibiotic. Only systemic antibiotic will handle IMO, unfortunately. Not crappy Xifaxian nor OTC diy’s. I know from personal experience. I went months and months and months without relieve until I looked at the results myself. I found that I had high Methane and neither the doctor at the clinic who reads the results NOR my own provider knew what IMO is. I was then put on Rifaximin AAANNDD Neomyacin a couple times and am a new person.

  10. And I’m sorry. Garlic will not handle methane on its own. You still need a systemic antibiotic. And it is highly important to know the difference in Rifaximin and an actual antibiotic.

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